Arden’s Blogs & Newsletters

Arden Moore Arden Moore

Insight Into Five Cat Behavior Issues in Honor of National Cat Day

Face the feline facts. Cats can be fussy, fascinating, frustrating, funny, and even a bit freaky. It is easy to be puzzled or perplexed as to why cats do what they do. However, do not expect them to apologize or grovel. Cats leave those actions to gotta-please dogs. That’s why I wrote the original The Cat Behavior Answer Book way back in 2007. Much has happened in the cat world since then. That was the motivation behind my writing the 2nd edition and adding nearly 80 percent new content which was just released by my publisher, Storey Books. In fact, a major feline revolution is underway that cannot be ignored – nor should it. More cats live in households than dogs. More people are willing to admit to being “cat daddies” or “cat moms.” It’s cool to love and live with cats.

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Arden Moore Arden Moore

Solutions for 5 Dog Behavior Issues

If only our dogs could get by on their cute looks. But if they don’t learn good doggy manners and have consistent training, some dogs grow up to be more challenging than cute. More fearful than fun. More bossy than benign. That’s why I wrote the original The Dog Behavior Answer Book way back in 2006. But I realized so much has changed in the dog world since then. That was the motivation behind me writing the 2nd edition of this book that contains nearly 80 percent new content and is being released this month.

In celebration, Pet King Brands, the makers of ZYMOX® and Oratene® Brushless Oral Care encouraged me to share some excerpts of my book in this blog post on the five common dog behavior issues.

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